The Pretty Things At The Beat Club
I've been requested to post some videos by The Pretty Things at the Beat Club, and it's a pleasure for me to propose one the most underrated british bands of the sixties and early seventies. They are often compared to The Rolling Stones because the guitar player Dick Taylor was in the early Stones' line-up. They shared with them the same passion for R 'n' B, but in fact they were even rawer than the Stones, too raw for success (and you can see that the singer Phil May was the guy with the longest hair in '66!)
In 1967 they joined the psychedelic wave with the single Defecting Grey and, in '68, the album S.F. Sorrow. These are two forgotten gems of visionary music, S.F. Sorrow has been the first rock-opera ever, anticipating The Who's Tommy, a much more popular work (but also much less inspired in my opinion...). Despite the defection of Dick Taylor the following album Parachute, that includes the song Cries From A Midnight Circus, is still a masterpiece of late psychedelia/early hard rock.
So here are The Pretty Things, from different periods of their existence, but always great!
Pretty Things - Raining In My Heart (1966)
Pretty Things - Cries From A Midnight Circus (1970)
Password: musicforyoureyes
For more Pretty Things' clips take a look at the Sonic Pollutions blog.
In 1967 they joined the psychedelic wave with the single Defecting Grey and, in '68, the album S.F. Sorrow. These are two forgotten gems of visionary music, S.F. Sorrow has been the first rock-opera ever, anticipating The Who's Tommy, a much more popular work (but also much less inspired in my opinion...). Despite the defection of Dick Taylor the following album Parachute, that includes the song Cries From A Midnight Circus, is still a masterpiece of late psychedelia/early hard rock.
So here are The Pretty Things, from different periods of their existence, but always great!
Pretty Things - Raining In My Heart (1966)
Pretty Things - Cries From A Midnight Circus (1970)
Password: musicforyoureyes
For more Pretty Things' clips take a look at the Sonic Pollutions blog.
Hi Mirco!
Great to see you also feel the same way about The Pretty Things as i do! "Tommy" was certainly a less inspired album compared to "SF Sorrow" and I can understand Taylor and Mays bitterness that "Sorrow" got overlooked and ignored. "Parachute" is also as you point out, a masterpiece and in my view perhaps the strongest and most consistent album they did. Yet no matter what these guys did, they were bloody great!
I love the extra dimension Pete Tolson brings to "Cries From The Midnight Circus" in this clip.
agnificemt stuff - keep up the cool work!
All the best,
Hi Mirco.
Fantastic stuff!!!!
When will you post something by an italian band? Circus 2000, Le Orme ...
Grandi pezzi, qualità eccezionale e note che invitano a scavare ancora e toh, salta fuori Buddy Holly, triplo wow!!!
vai così
Grazie, anche se non ho capito cosa c'entra Buddy Holly...
'Raining in my heart' di Felice Bryant offerta agli Everly Brothers, passata a Buddy Holly che incise nel 1958 con orchestra, sua unica registrazione stereo. Il terzo wow è per l'istigazione allo scavo...;-)
Wow! Non è detto che Buddy Holly in persona non sbuchi un giorno da questo blog...
I don't understand this site. How come everytime I try to download something from here, all i get is a text document? Help!!!!!
Read that text document, it's all explained there...I must avoid having my videos deleted from Rapidshare, as it already happened...
agree -S.F.Sorrow and Parchute were great albums
Pretty Things was Rolling Stones band of the year in '73 but most Americans have never heard of them
Midnight Circus is one of my all time faves. Never imagined seeing something like this.
I'm glad you liked it, you have a very beautiful blog too...
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